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Apple Push Notification Service from Drupal


I'm implementing a module that allows Drupal to send push notifications to the iPhone/iPod Touch.

Plan currently is to support 6.x and use the actions api similar to what twitter module has done.

Anybody interested in this? This would be a good time to make suggestions and comments.

Instalación Multisitios en Drupal 6


Después de dos años haciendo sitios en Drupal, estoy cansado de tener que actualizar uno por uno cuando se presente una actualización de seguridad.

Por ello me parece interesante la idea de “hostear” todos estos sitios (buenos 6 exactamente) en una sola instalación multisites en un entorno VPS o dedicado.

Revisé un poco la Doc. Sobre multisitios y la verdad es que hay de todo, hasta tal puno que ya no entiendo nada.

Alguno tuvo experiencia con multisitios? Conocen una buena Doc para ello?

Gracias y saludos…

Oracle support and O.R.M.


Hi all,
i'am one of the guys who is triyng to build an oracle driver for drupal.... (http://drupal.org/project/oracle)
I actually wrote 2 drivers: 1 for the 6.x and 1 for the 7.x. Both based on PDO_OCI, and both working pretty
well with the core, (i'am still working on the 7.x SimpleTest test cases but 90% is ok).

I started using the 6.x driver in production on February (when it was on sourceforge.net as drupaloracle).

A couple of days a go, one of my company web developers, told me:

"Hey.. we should use this X module.... It is cool!"

I installed it, but unfortunately, there are some queries inside that are really far from working on Oracle.

Like this query:

SELECT q.*, COUNT(s.sqid) AS subqueues FROM {nodequeue_queue} q LEFT
JOIN {nodequeue_subqueue} s ON q.qid = s.qid WHERE q.qid IN
($placeholders) GROUP BY q.qid

The meaning of this query in MySQL is somenthing like:

       Outer join "s" table to "q" table returning all "q" columns
        toghether with the count of child rows on "s" table

(grouped by the reference key)
.. where clause..

...the same query can be expressed in oracle in this way:

select q.*, (select count(s.sqid) from {nodequeue_subqueue} s where
q.qid = s.qid) as subqueues from {nodequeue_queue} q where q.qid in

..the result is exactly the same, but the concept is very different:

    select all columns from "q" table and for each row query the

"s" table to count
the child records.... where clause...

I do not see a straight way to translate the first in the second query
without using a good SQL Parser... This is one of the cases where ONE (or precisely ME)
would like to have an O.R.M. so that module developers do not have
access to SQL code.

I think is absolutely normal and "good" that module developers focus on their
module business logic, not on the "ANSIness" of their SQL.. Mostly they use
MySQL.. They create great modules... That i cannot use on Oracle, so:

1) You may think: "ok, well, use mysql, stop trying making stupid things like drupal/oracle"

2) Let's find a suitable solution.

My questions are:

1) do we really expect to be portable?

2) do we really expect module developer that have access to SQL to write ANSI-SQL?

3) What about using a complete abstraction like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-relational_mapping or similar?



ps: actually i end up using an "exception query translator" for the moment, so that if a module query take an exception
you have a chance to translate it in your settings.php.

Use Case: Notify Users of Upcoming Event?


Got a question about Rules module capability before I jump in.

I have a CCK data type which tracks performance dates and volunteer staff assignments at a local non-profit theatre. Note that I'm NOT using the Events module here nor the Events Manager Reminder module which apparently have not been ported to Drupal 6. I am using Date and Calendar.

Every month or so I send out an e-mail reminding volunteers to check their work schedule online. I'd like to add the capability to have the site (using cron) generate notification e-mails every day reminding specific users that they are scheduled to work 2 days from now. Basically a system to dispatch 48-hour advance reminders.

Most of the reading I've done regarding Rules is geared toward system or user events (content publication, edits, etc.) triggering actions. Can Rules also be structured to look at my CCK performance date and volunteer fields to drive my intended notifications?

If the answer is yes, please feel free to elaborate. If this is workable I'm confident I can structure the rule(s) that I need but don't have a lot of time to spend learning how to do it right (and there don't seem to be a lot of examples geared to rules of this nature).


自己紹介 Introduce yourself



Please Introduce yourself in English or Japanese which ever language you feel comfortable.
Feel free to join us at our study groups.

Can't Log In to Admin Page


I'm stuck. I was messing around within the admin area of my new Drupal installation. I host on GoDaddy. At some point, I unchecked the login box for the admin page and now I cannot login. Duh, I should've figured it was there for a reason, but now I can't get in.

Fortunately, I haven't done anything with it, aside from messing it up. Is there some way to get that log in box back on the admin page or should I just reinstall and start again?

I feel so silly.


What food do you want to eat at DrupalCon Paris?...

How to benchmark website?


I would like to test some caching configuration for my site. Could someone recommend me some tools to test the effectiveness of the site?

Also, if there are known configurations that work for a site with only anonymous users, please let me know! (currently using eAccelerator and Boost).


New Content-type are missing teaser field contents, Drupal 6


Hi Drupal Gurus,

This is probably a pretty simple question but I still new to Drupal so I can't figure it out. Can someone help?

"Where is the teaser display format defined for a new content-type? 'Display Field' is not working."

Details of my problem:
I created several new content-types on my site (http://www.mysterymilonga.com/drupal6/), added some contents of those types and I am trying to create a new page displaying nodes of those type using views.

What I am finding is that the "teaser" only shows the body and not the title, email, etc. which I specified in the content-type "Display Field" page. The content of the default field like Title and CCK fields like email and photos are all missing.

If you like to see what it looks like go to: http://www.mysterymilonga.com/drupal6/venues

If you need admin access please send me a private message and I can create a temporary admin account for you to poke around.

Also, if there are someone out there who is also learning Drupal 6 or is willing to meetup with me somewhere to help me out or just to work together on drupal, please contact me as well. I have a few other nagging issues. I would be happy to buy you a coffee and pastry for your genorsity.

Thanks a lot,

Wayne Chen
tangowayne [at] gmail [dot] com

Hodges model - future global health project for Drupal


Hi everyone

I am based in NW England working in Community Mental Health in Ormskirk. I'm a member of the BCS Nursing Specialist Group, RCN IN group and been interested in IT in health since 1980. I wrote computer aided learning programs on the BBC micro - yes I'm getting on a bit... ;-)

I've done work in data standards, and on the NHS CRS local implementation. Since 1998 I've had a website for a health and social care model called Hodges model. The site is static and needs completely revamping. I'm learning Drupal (and Ruby) to create a new website and possibly a community.

What is Hodges' model? Please find attached two papers which include the same introduction about how the model was created. Here's a brief overview....

Originally created in the UK by Brian E Hodges -

Hodges' Health Career - Care Domains - Model [h2cm]


can help map health, social care and other issues, problems AND solutions. The model takes a situated and multi-contextual view across four knowledge domains:

* Interpersonal;
* Sociological;
* Empirical;
* Political.

Our links pages cover each care (knowledge) domain e.g. Interpersonal:


This includes 'mental health', 'therapies', 'ideas', 'e-learning', 'human computer interaction', 'education' and 'accessibility', ...

I've also a blog 'Welcome to the QUAD'


Szeged 2008 was great and I'll be in Paris for Drupalcon 2009 - hope to see you there and there is a NW Drupal group that meets in Manchester.

Please get in touch if you are interested in getting involved.

Best regards,

Peter Jones
h2cmuk at yahoo.co.uk
Hodges' Health Career - Care Domains - Model
h2cm: help2Cmore - help-2-listen - help-2-care

Compression -- Drupal side or Apache side or both?


Which would produce a better compression rate -- using mod_deflate on the Apache instance side for css/js files and/or using Gzip for Javascript/CSS on the Drupal side?

I am looking for overall site performance aspects as well (i.e. additional CPU time, memory allocation, etc).

Oracle Driver for 7.x


Hi all,
i'm happy to say that today i closed the last odd test cases (http://drupal.org/node/464514), and that the 7.x driver for oracle looks working.
It would be very nice if someone wants to help with it to make it work even better / faster. My poor PHP skills makes the code ugly probably, and may be some of you can contribute some ideas to support a wider variety of SQL statements or to remove/improve some Regular Expressions.

The actual state is pretty difficult to explain because i worked on the driver almost for the last year in "free time" so excuse me if do not remember all the points. I'll use this post as a T.O.C. http://drupal.org/node/39260#comment-1124563:

Reserved word conflict

It is actually solved escaping the reserved words used by Drupal with the (") character (e.g. uid -> "UID").
Only those words are escaped: uid, session, file, access, mode, comment, desc. Because this is enought for drupal and most of the modules.

The real list can be obtained with this query on an Oracle database:

select keyword from v$reserved_words where reserved= 'Y' or res_type= 'Y' or res_attr= 'Y' or res_semi= 'Y'

Those applies to any database identifier (eg. tables,columns) or any bind variable name (eg. select * from table where description= :desc ).

Empty string is not allow in Oracle, and will translate as NULL

In an oracle database the empty character IS NULL. Thats it. Say it as you want:
'' == NULL
'' === NULL

The biggest problem here are queries like:

select * from variables where value= ''

This query in MySql returns all the rows that has the "value" column == the empty charcater ''

In Oracle is simply a non sense query: nothing is equal to NULL or '' (that is null). So there is
no way to return exactly those rows. For example, translating that query to:

select * from variables where value is null

Means missing the point: in MySQL you can have rows with value == to '' and rows with value == to NULL only the first have to
be returned.

So here i need to do an ugly thing: any '' bind variable is translated to an:
define('ORACLE_EMPTY_STRING_REPLACER','^'); // used to replace '' character in queries

So that this query can be translated to:

select * from variables where value= '^'

sorry, this was the best i can do.

VARCHAR2 is no large enough, use BLOB instead

Almost done. VARCHAR2 is large enough for at least values that have a length of "4000 CHAR" (means even multibyte charactersets).
All "blob" columns are created as VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR). When binding a variable the driver takes care to handle values with a length >4000 and puts those values in a separate table: the BLOBS table indexed by an incremental ID column and sets the bind variable to:

define('ORACLE_BLOB_PREFIX','B^#'); // prefix used for BLOB values

B^#1234 where 1234 is the BLOBS.ID column value.

When fetching a value the driver translate B^#1234 back to the BLOBS.CONTENT (a real blob column) value of the row with ID = 1234.

This kind of approach automagically solves also queries like this:

select distinct b.* from block ...


select x, y, count(*) from table group by x, y

where "y" was a BLOB column. (BLOB columns cannot be inserted into DISTINCT, GROUP BY, ORDER BY.... in oracle)

Saving the <4000 values directly in the column saves a lot of work.

Auto upper case table and column name

Any {table} is translated to "TABLE". For columns see point 2.

NOTE: DB Prefixes are treated like schemas (see http://drupal.org/node/513106).

Max 30 characters for constraint name restriction

Oracle do not wants any identifier with a length > 30:

  1. Any schema object name (table,column,index,constraint)
  2. Any query column alias


So simplifying: the driver keeps a LONG_IDENTIFIERS tables with a mapping of an ID and a "long identifier" (>30)
When any schema object is created the name of the schema object is passed to PL/SQL function (pragma autonomous_transaction)
to check whether to create a "long identifier". If a long identifier is created any statement containing that long identifier will be translated
to use an identifier like "L#123" eg:

select * from my_very_long_table_name_that_surely_exceeds_30_chars

will be translated to:

select * from "L#123"

The same for columns and query aliases. That means that when fetching a resultset the driver converts those names back for you e.g.:

select name, value, my_very_long_column_name_that_surely_exceeds_30_chars from mytable

is translated to

select name, value, "L#3654" from mytable

suppose you use $obj= $stmt->fetchObject() you would receive:

$obj->L#3654 but this is translated back for you to $obj->my_very_long_column_name_that_surely_exceeds_30_chars

Some SQL functions need abstraction

All SQL functions used by Drupal have been translated in a PL/SQL equivalent that does the same thing as on MySQL eg:

MD5 function



The "if" function is translated to a CASE block:

select if(1=0,x,y) from mytable

is transalted to

select case when 1=0 then x else y end from mytable

Using timestamps inside Oracle

For simplicity of use a PL/SQL package to translate drupal timestamps to Oracle dates and back, is provided:

create or replace package drupal_timestamp

/* this package can be used to convert drupal timestamp numbers to oracle dates and vice versa
* e.g.: select to_char(drupal_timestamp.todate(created),'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') created from node

function todate(p_timestamp number)
return date

function totimestamp(p_date date)
return number


Other considerations

Obviously DatabaseStatement_oracle extends DatabaseStatementPrefetch.
I should add soon a group by alias parser to handle those queries:

select fn(cdcdd) as myalias, count(*) from mytable group by myalias

will be translated back to:

select fn(cdcdd) as myalias, count(*) from mytable group by fn(cdcdd)

because aliases cannot be used in the group by clause in oracle

That is almost all. Hope you will not find it so ugly. It works, can be made work better, but finally it works.

Has anyone been invited to Google's Wave Sandbox?


I too am waiting for access to Google's Wave Sandbox. I have not heard if anyone has gotten this access yet. Have you?

default language and string translations


String translation. This works differently to Drupal standard localization system: The strings will be translated from the default language (which may not be English), so changing the default language may cause all these translations to be broken.

Wouldnt the better system be that original Drupal and contrib English text strings are "neutral" and then users could add English (copy all strings from neutral, as it is already English) or Spanish (import po file or translate yourself) and switch between default languages as much as they like and all strings would be translated from "neutral"?

This system would make internationalization more consistent - by default everything would be "Language neutral" - strings, nodes, menus etc.

Is there discussion going on somewhere about this issue?

Content [create/edit] sharing in multisite


HI there

there is little performance issues if we have all modules at same installation. basically I have a site social, and i like to offer many facilities to users, but if i install many modules on same installation it impacts the performance, so i decided to user multisite,

for e.g.,

songs : songs.example.com
videos : videos.example.com
groups: groups.example.com
blogs: blogs.example.com

something like that.

now, I have to let the users to manage the other site contents with in the same site (main site), I mean, in users profile page(main site) needs to display his songs & videos and also it should have all the facility [create/edit/comment] without going to the subdmains,

Is it possible? or is there any solution for this?

Thanks in advance.

Using GMap to display location that is in a reference node?


I have another problem using Views together with GMap. Can someone shed some light onto this for me?

I want to show a google map of all of the "event" nodes I have. I
am using Views, Gmap, Location module to do this following the
tutorials I read.

The problem is, my "event" node does not contain it's own
location. Instead each node makes a 'node reference' via a select list to
a venue which contains the location. The reason I did
this is because many events share the same venue and I don't
want the user to have to map the same location multiple times. As
the result the, the map does not appear because it expects the
location information to be in the node I am displaying.

How do I get around this? I need to somehow access the venue location
data as part of the event node. I am not sure how to do that.

I tried to use node_reference_view module to create a special event view but only succeeded at displaying a title link from events to the venue node. I was not able to display the venue location information in the view I created. I am not sure if this is the right track to pursuit?

I have some data on my site that you can see what I am talking about. The only difference between these two pages are their View 'Style'.

Gmap view style

HTML list view style



Giới thiệu module gửi tin cho anh em drupal

Grönt bälte: Hantera CSS och Javascript


Detta är den fjärde delen i guiden Sju steg mot svart bälte i att tema Drupal 6.

Hur får man runda hörn till blocken på sin Drupalsajt? Hur får jag menyblocket, men inte något annat block, att få en viss bakgrundsfärg?

Frågorna ovan är rätt viktiga saker om man håller på att utveckla ett eget tema, men de har mycket lite med Drupal att göra. Oavsett vilket system man använder för att driva webbplatser kommer sådana saker att skötas med CSS, och jobbet för att åstadkomma ändringarna handlar om att hitta rätt CSS-fil, rätt CSS-klasser eller ID:n, och lägga in rätt CSS-kod för att påverka utseendet på webbsidan.

För den som inte är speciellt bekant med CSS ter sig språket som ett sätt att få alla länkar att bli i en viss färg, eller sätta texten alla paragrafer till ett visst typsnitt. Men det går att göra mycket mer än så. Så länge elementen på sidan är uppmärkta på ett trevligt sätt går det att påverka endast utvalda delar av webbsidan, och till exempel ge loginblocket en annorlunda formatering. Det går också att använda CSS för att välja ut de första tre orden i den första paragrafen på sidan och ge dem en egen stil. Och inte minst går det att använda CSS för att styra hur olika element ska placeras på sidan.

Innan du djupdyker i hur man temar Drupal bör du känna till hur allmänna webbspråk som (X)HTML, CSS och Javascript fungerar. Om du vet hur dessa språk fungerar – eller allra minst vad man kan och inte kan göra med dem – kommer du att ha bra förutsättning att använda mer avancerad Drupal-temning endast när det behövs. Om du däremot inte vet hur man åstadkommer skuggeffekter med hjälp av CSS spelar det ingen roll hur mycket tid du lägger på att leta runt bland Drupals temafunktioner – i slutändan kommer de skuggorna att komma från CSS-kod.

Sensmoralen är klar: Se till att lära dig de breda designfärdigheterna innan du ger dig i kast med de mer avancerade verktygen. Med CSS och ett bra grundtema (exempelvis Zen) kan man åstadkomma 95 procent av det som krävs för ett färdigt tema.

Redigera teman: skapa underteman

Det korrekta sättet – best practice – för att redigera teman är att skapa ett undertema (sub theme) till temat man har laddat hem. När man precis börjar lära sig att bearbeta teman känns det som onödigt arbete, men fjärde eller femte gången upptäcker man att det finns en del vinster.

Att skapa ett undertema är enkelt gjort, och går till på följande vis:

  • Skapa en mapp i temakatalogen, och ge den ett namn som matchar undertemat. (Underkatalogens namn kommer att bli systemnamnet för undertemat.)
  • Kopiera filen [temanamn].info till underkatalogen, och byt namn på den till [undertema].info.
  • Öppna .info-filen och ändra alla [temanamn] till [undertema]. Det är också lämpligt att ändra beskrivningarna i filen till saker som stämmer för ditt undertema.
  • Se till att .info-filen innehåller information om vilket bastema du utgår från genom att lägga till raden base theme = [maskinnamn_för_bastemat]

Har du gjort detta rätt borde ditt undertema dyka upp i webbplatsens lista över teman, eftersom .info-filen säger åt Drupal att det finns ett nytt tema att använda. Undertemat borde – än så länge – ge precis samma utseende som modertemat. Det är för att Drupal först letar efter temainställningar i ditt undertema, men om det inte finns några där faller den tillbaka på modertemat. Och än så länge finns det inte några temainställningar i katalogen.

När du hittar CSS-filer som du vill ändra i ändrar du inte i modertemats filer, utan kopierar dem först till undertemats katalog. Väl där kan du göra alla ändringar du vill, och Drupal kommer att välja den redigerade filen framför filen i modertemat. Fördelen med denna approach är dels att du kan gå tillbaka till det orörda modertemat när du vill, dels att du kan installera uppdateringar till modertemat utan att dina egna justeringar påverkas.

Hitta rätt CSS-filer

Om man inte använder rätt verktyg är det ett utdraget arbete att ta reda på varifrån CSS-koden som ger ett visst utseende kommer. Med rätt verktyg är det däremot en enkel match.

Rätt verktyg heter Firefox och Firebug. Med dessa kan du högerklicka på vilket element som helst på en webbsida och välja “inspect element”. Detta öppnar en panel för Firebug, där du dels kan se HTML-strukturen för elementet, dels vilka olika CSS-attribut som styr elementets utseende. För varje attribut står det vilken fil attributet kommer ifrån, och på vilken rad i filen du hittar just de kodraderna. Som grädde på moset kan du dessutom gå in i CSS-koden live och göra teständringar. (De ändringarna görs inte i källfilerna, så du måste redigera dem själv för att göra ändringar permanenta.)

Många CSS-filer kommer inte från temat som används, utan från olika moduler i Drupalinstallationen. En sådan CSS-fil redigerar du på samma sätt som en CSS-fil i modertemat – du kopierar den till undertemats mapp, och redigerar sedan efter behag.
Om Firebug skulle berätta att sin CSS-fil har ett namn som ser ut som ett temporärt filnamn (så som 16 slumpvis valda tecken) beror det med stor sannolikhet på att Drupal börjat slå samman och cacha CSS-filer. Stäng av den inställningen genom optimize CSS på administration > inställningar > prestanda.

Lägga till fler CSS- och js-filer

I ett temas .info-fil finns en förteckning över de CSS- och js-filer som används. Så länge de finns med i .info-filen kommer de att länkas in korrekt av Drupal.

Om du vill lägga till fler CSS- eller js-filer gör du detta genom att lägga till fler hänvisningar i .info-filen, enligt samma mönster som de andra hänvisningarna i filen (så som stylesheets[print][] = print.css för CSS och scripts[] = scripts.js för Javascript).

Om ändringar du gör inte får effekt är det värt att rensa cachen för webbplatsen. Det görs enkelt genom ett block som modulen Devel tillhandahåller, eller lite mer omständligt genom administration > inställningar > prestanda.

Två genvägar

Om man tycker att det är jobbigt att redigera CSS-filer, eller man av någon anledning har svårt att nå filsystemet för sin webbplats, är det värt att kolla in de två modulerna CSS Injector och Block Class. De låter en skjuta in extra CSS-kod på utvalda platser på sajten genom ett onlinegränssnitt.

Lösningen kan också vara praktisk om man bara vill göra mycket små/få ändringar i ett tema.

Det gröna bältet kräver en del av temaninjan, nämligen att man ska ha koll på verktygslådan utanför Drupal. I orange bälte ingår också det första steget i att redigera temafiler för Drupal – att skapa ett nytt undertema, inklusive .info-fil och eventuella förändrade CSS- och js-filer.

Drupal Meetup in Islamabad or Karachi in the end of August?


Anyone interested in getting together for a Drupal meetup in the end of August? I am going to be in Pakistan (mostly Islamabad) for about 10 days for work, and will be presenting on Drupal, specifically mapping tools like http://drupal.org/project/nicemap and http://drupal.org/project/openlayers and translation servers like https://translate.openatrium.com/ for tools like www.OpenAtrium.com. If there is anyone that would like to get together and talk code post here or email me at eric@developmentseed.org.

If there are a lot of people in Karachi I might be able to make that work also. Hope to meet up with some of you soon!

Export/import content with Features


Hi all,

I’m planning to contribute a module which will offer nodes import export capabilities for features, let me know what you think about it, if it makes sense to have something like this etc...

Here its description:

Features Content

The module enables Features to export/import nodes objects (along with their files, menu items and CCK fields) in a feature package. For each feature it is possible to decide which node to export (based on its NID, type, etc...) and if to keep its NID or to recreate it from scratch to the next feature import/update. For the moment authorship export is not supported: all the imported nodes will inherit a common user UID (configurable) if their own is not present in the system.

Drush Integration

Drush integration is provided too to allow a quick content export/import simply running:

  • drush content export: export content to a file
  • drush content import: import content from a file
  • drush content clean: utility to clean up content (based on a .info configuration file)

Options include the --file flag to specify the name and location of the dump PHP file.

Use Case 1: Features with default content

The module allow a feature to ship with default content ready to be imported. Possible usages could be:

  • Dummy example content
  • Support pages
  • Credits and others

Use Case 2: Push changes to production

The module could be useful also in case the maintainer needs to push some configuration from development to production. Here the workflow:

  1. run drush content export
  2. push new DB dump
  3. run drush content clean
  4. run drush content import


As proof of concept only the Drush integration is working at the moment, although a complete Features integration is on its way. The feature’s .info file module options look like this:

features[features_content][nid][] = 253
features[features_content][nid][] = 254
features[features_content][nid][] = 255
features[features_content][nid][] = 256

features[features_content][type][] = book
features[features_content][type][] = article

The node is the driving force of the module, the export of related items depends on feature wide configuration options, probably looking like:

features[features_content][user settings][export] = 0
features[features_content][user settings][default user] = 1
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